Another of WA’s legendary buyers of livestock, WAMMCO’s Wayne Radford retires image

Another of WA’s legendary buyers of livestock, WAMMCO’s Wayne Radford retires

Wayne Radford, will retire at the end of 2022 after a 56 year career in the industry. Wayne left John Curtin High School at Fremantle to join the skins team at Wesfarmers before moving to Anchorage Butchers as their Geraldton-based buyer for ...

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Media Release 28/07/2022 Western Australia’s largest sheep and lamb processing cooperative will return a record $8.4 million in pool bonuses to its producer members at the end of August 2022. The 2021/22 financial year bonus includes 80c/kg for qualifying lambs and 40...

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Media Release 14/07/22 Des Griffiths, an early CEO of the WA Meat Marketing Cooperative, credited with helping WA lamb producers to reshape an influential global lamb processing and marketing cooperative, passed away in Perth on Tuesday. Coll MacRury who took over ...

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Media Release (20-06-2022) Recently appointed Livestock Manager for WAMMCO, Mike Curnick is looking forward to capping his 37-year career in WA’s livestock sector in the lamb and sheepmeats processing and marketing side. Speaking last week during an ...

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A distinguished career in the meat processing and livestock industry will end with the retirement of the WA Meat Marketing Cooperative’s Livestock Manager Peter Krupa on June 30. Mr Krupa has played a formidable role in helping WA sheep ...

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A later than normal delivery of prime Merino/SAMM lambs straight off abundant stubbles from the bumper season, helped Tim Alexander and his family of Timaru Beverley to capture WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for February 2022. “...

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I see Investing in the latest ‘no wool/high fertility’ sheep breeds, spending a few extra dollars on sheep feeding and management systems as actions to improve profit and put us well ahead in 15-20 years time,” ...

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For a farmer who started farming almost from scratch to build one of WA’s most successful farm enterprises, Dawson Bradford is still contributing to some of the most highly strategic advances yet seen in the evolution of Australian ...

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Impressive gains in sheepbreeding to enhance the unique dual purpose capacity of the Merino breed, have been applauded by WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month for June 2021, Darrel Hudson of Yleena Farm, Dowerin. No stranger to achieving top prices ...

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Irish agricultural exchange student Francis McKee has attributed his success as winner of WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for June 2021, to his ongoing information exchange with the farmers of the Fitzgerald River area. His Fitzgerald enterprise forward ...

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Whites become “Ultra” Lambs image

Whites become “Ultra” Lambs

A move to replace slower finishing lamb production with some of the State’s first UltraWhite genetics has enabled Kulin’s Smoker family and some of their neighbours to set new lamb production records. Barry Smoker, his wife ...

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The Higgins family of ‘Bangalup’ Frankland River, have had a long association with the Border Leicester sheep breed. But four years ago Brad and his father Robin purchased their first Prolific rams and have slowly phased out their ...

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WAMMCO’s Producers of the month for February, Peter and Kate Mills and their family, of the steadily growing Ikewa Grazing farm business at Mingenew/Arrino, are working confirmation of the recent Rabobank report that WA rural confidence is ...

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Dedicated sheepman Michael Reynalds of Winton Park Grazing, Tambellup has rolled his first WAMMCO “double sixer” as Lamb Producer of the Month title winner for January 2021. A delivery of 121 Winton Park lambs on January 29 weighed in at an ...

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Grazing their ewes and lambs on crops of Spartacus barley with a complement of pellets and salt licks, and capitalizing on the higher profitability of their SAMMs, has proved to be a successful strategy for Dumbleyung producers Dale and Suzanne ...

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Timely rains on their home property at Kulin early this season started a profitable chain reaction for the prime lamb enterprise of the Lucchesi family. An abundance of green pasture enabled runner up in WAMMCO’s Producer of the ...

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The pioneering James family of Karlgarin has joined the ranks of WAMMCO achievers with Murray and Leonie James and their sons Sam and Alex and partners, of ‘Jesmond-Dene’ taking out the Cooperative’s Producer of the Month ...

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Gnowangerup producers Owen, William and Fiona Gaze regard their maximum score as WAMMCO’s Producers of the Month for September 2020, as confirmation that the sheep industry can continue to meet constant, increasing change. The couple deregistered their widely respected &...

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Kulin farmers Brian and Elle Bowey have followed through on a very close runner’s up ribbon for WAMMCO Producer of the Month in September last year, to take the August 2020 title with a perfect score. UltraWhite founder Dawson ...

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A passion for high performance Poll Dorset genetics, and a proven farm business formula continue to keep Walkaway breeder Randal Levett in the WAMMCO winners’ circle. A line of 543 Poll Dorset/Merino cross lambs from the Levett family’...

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WA lamb and sheep meats producer co-operative WAMMCO has defied a tough operating season to maintain payment of a pool bonus to its contributing producer shareholders. Group CEO Coll MacRury said his Directors had endorsed pool bonuses of 20 cents per ...

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When WAMMCO asked its June 2020 Producer of the Month winner Roger Bilney of Kojonup to nominate the most significant example of technological change in the livestock operation of his family’s farming business, he replied “genetics.”- ...

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West Australian Creative Director and brand development specialist, Mr Mark Lucas has joined the board of Katanning-based, producer-owned lamb and sheepmeats processing cooperative WAMMCO International. WAMMCO Chairman Craig Heggaton said Mr Lucas would succeed farm management consultant Greg Kirk as ...

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A realization that they had to simplify and increase their sheep production – in response to low viability in the wool, lamb and mutton markets back in the late 1990’s,- has led to a quiet confidence in the ...

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WA’s producer-owned sheepmeats processing cooperative WAMMCO International, will close its Katanning plant for three weeks of annual repairs and maintenance from July 3. Katanning Manager Tony Bessell said receivals of livestock would cease on Wednesday, July 1 and the plant ...

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PER HEAD FOR WINNING LAMBSWhen Woodanilling farmer Damian Shackley and his family won their first WAMMCO Producer of the Month title for February 2013, their draft of 109 Merino/Suffolk prime lambs averaged 22.7 kg per head to return $79.42 per head.A very ...

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When David Millsteed of Daybron Farms, Wongan Hills became the first prime lamb producer to win WAMMCO’s upgraded Producer of the Month title in July 2016, his winning line of 464 Merino/White Suffolk lambs was one of the first ...

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The goal of owning an Australian sheep farm in a solid area, has brought some notable achievements along the way for New Zealander, Stacy Williams, who started farming near Kojonup just 13 years ago. Stacy and his WA wife Melissa and ...

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Twelve months as a Director of WA’s Meat Marketing Cooperative has given North Stirling sheep and lamb producer Bill O’Keeffe some important new perspectives on the meat processing industry. “For many years we were probably ...

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Promising seasonal conditions and improving sheep numbers in the Borden/Stirling Range area have sparked optimism for higher levels of lamb sale activity in the area this season, prompting WAMMCO to run a lamb information update for producers at the ...

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Dawson Bradford retires after 20 years image

Dawson Bradford retires after 20 years

Guiding WAMMCO‘s early years as chairman, joining the fledgling WA meat cooperative to membership of global marketer, the Australian Lamb Cooperative, and instigating LAMBEX, Australia’s first national prime lamb industry conference, are a few of the ...

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WAMMCO's new director elect, Hamish Thorn of Kojonup image

WAMMCO's new director elect, Hamish Thorn of Kojonup

A rare opportunity for WA’s prime lamb producers to benefit from a direct link with the processing and marketing side of the meat industry, is a unique feature of their ownership of WAMMCO, according to recently endorsed WAMMCO ...

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A return to the WAMMCO ‘winners’ circle’ as Producer of the Month for June 2019 has confirmed the success of ‘fine tuning to optimise performance’ still dominating planning and management policy on Quintarra Farms, Esperance. The ...

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Australia’s new definition of lamb — what you need to know image

Australia’s new definition of lamb — what you need to know

The definition of lamb is changing in Australia – from 1 July 2019. The old definition of lamb was ‘A female, castrate or entire male that has 0 permanent incisor teeth’. The new definition from 1st July is ‘an ovine ...

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Overseas Investors Ban Sheep on WA Farmland image

Overseas Investors Ban Sheep on WA Farmland

WA Meat Marketing Co-operative Chairman Craig Heggaton has urged state and federal authorities to investigate reports that overseas investment trusts and companies are banning livestock production on the WA farmland they acquire. Dr Heggaton said he shared concerns raised by ...

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Dowerin's Hudson Family Scores Again image

Dowerin's Hudson Family Scores Again

There has been no loss of interest in prime lambs since Darrel and Diane Hudson of Yleena Farm Dowerin became the first Producers of the Month winners for their area in June 2010 with a draft of 232 Merino/Poll Dorset lambs ...

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WAMMCO Title to Newdegate Pioneers image

WAMMCO Title to Newdegate Pioneers

The Land Board members who granted young Narrogin farmer Barry Rick one of eight virgin land titles south of Newdegate in 1980 would have been impressed at the time by his energy, ideas and readiness to ‘give it a go.&...

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Second POM Win For 'Naballing' image

Second POM Win For 'Naballing'

Peter and Lee Bessell-Browne of ‘Naballing,’ Woodanilling were thrilled to take out the WAMMCO Producer of the Month title for March 2019 with a draft of 109 Merino/Prime SAMM lambs that averaged 23.42 kg to return $152.78 per head. A high, 98.16 ...

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Close Call image

Close Call

Not much further north at Kulin – in another area of the lakes belt that also experienced a lack of winter rain – the Lucchesi family came a very close second to WAMMCO’s January Producer of the Month. ...

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"Tiarri" Takes January Title image

"Tiarri" Takes January Title

Feedlots in some of WA’s driest wheatbelt areas have not only saved livestock businesses, but also assisted their owners to take top placings in WAMMCO’s first Producer of the Month contest for 2019. Prominent Lake Grace SAMM ...

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MLA and AWI wool and sheepmeat survey image

MLA and AWI wool and sheepmeat survey

Three times a year, MLA and AWI run a joint survey to collect sheepmeat industry livestock numbers and lamb production expectations. Production and producer intentions are regularly monitored to generate better forward looking information that allow producers to make the ...

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Kojonup Family Wins POM image

Kojonup Family Wins POM

Nearly five years spent accumulating and reclaiming valuable farming land at Kojonup from the bluegum plantation industry, is beginning to pay dividends for WAMMCO’s December 2018 Producers of the Month, Griff and Tracey Chomley and their young family. The ...

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“Off The Hook” confirms co-op’s value to WA sheep producers image

“Off The Hook” confirms co-op’s value to WA sheep producers

How close Western Australia’s now thriving producer lamb co-operative came to collapse after its establishment in 1999, is a reality few people understood before the recent release of WAMMCO’s official history “Off the Hook,” according ...

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WAMMCO Delivers Meaty Profits image

WAMMCO Delivers Meaty Profits

Solid international market demand has enabled sheepmeat co-operative WAMMCO to deliver a record profit, while still paying producers high prices for their lambs and mutton. The pre-tax profit of $20 million for fiscal 2018, before a pool bonus is paid, marked a ...

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New WAMMCO Director image

New WAMMCO Director

The announcement by Chairman Craig Heggaton that prominent Gnowangerup sheep and lamb producer Bill O’Keeffe would join the board of WA sheepmeats co-operative WAMMCO International, was made at the recent annual meeting of members at Katanning. Mr O&...

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Mundalla Lambs Beat Dry And Frost image

Mundalla Lambs Beat Dry And Frost

There have been some interesting ‘dry start’ strategies employed out along the No 2 rabbit proof fence just east of Dumbleyung this season. With no double digit rainfall until the end of June, Damien and Ross Gooding tried some ...

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Wool/Lamb Mix Delivers For Brookton Producer image

Wool/Lamb Mix Delivers For Brookton Producer

Brookton sheep producer Mark Whittington was happy with the performance of his crossbred lamb flock, but didn’t expect to be named WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month for October 2018. His line of 233 new seasons lambs by White ...

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Lynch family wins top WAMMCO award image

Lynch family wins top WAMMCO award

TO Tom and Donna Lynch, two of Western Australia’s most recognised farm industry supporters, winning WAMMCO’s Producer of the Year award was an important achievement. The fact that the award was a special tribute to WAMMCO&...

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Pingelly Lambs image

Pingelly Lambs

Bruce Sewell said early decisions to reduce his cropping program by several paddocks and to drench his lambs early, and to spray early for red legged earthmite, appeared to have paid off. Areas of red clover disease appeared to have ...

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Free Range Lamb From The South Coast image

Free Range Lamb From The South Coast

There must have been times in early 2018, when Simon Williams believed the normally reliable coastal rainfall on his property at Jerdacattup, was going to fail him. “We had virtually no rain between February and June this year - our ...

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Another Merino/Poll Dorset Winner image

Another Merino/Poll Dorset Winner

Tambellup producers Ben and Tracey Lamont are on a lengthening list of WA farmers relying on a quality flock of Merino breeding ewes to generate good returns from their 20 micron wool, and a solid annual income from prime crossbred lambs.. ...

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WAMMCO Katanning Upgrade on Schedule image

WAMMCO Katanning Upgrade on Schedule

The $4 million boning room, refrigeration and power upgrade nearing completion at WAMMCO’s Katanning plant will not only increase its capacity for more value adding of existing product, but also provide new scope for the cooperative to process live ...

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Esperance Lamb Leaders image

Esperance Lamb Leaders

The Roberts’ family business, ‘Lortleaze Farms’ at Esperance was WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month for May 2018 with a line of 182, six month old lambs, processed at Katanning on May 29 to average 22.4 kg per head with 95.05 ...

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Kulin Lambs Take WAMMCO's April Award image

Kulin Lambs Take WAMMCO's April Award

Kulin producer Simon Noble believes a lack of ‘emotional attachment’ to his sheep guarantees his flexibility to cope in tough seasons, as well as an ability to profit from ewe buying and selling opportunities. Simon and wife Janine ...

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Woodanilling SAMMs Shine in Tough Season image

Woodanilling SAMMs Shine in Tough Season

Like most WA lamb producers, Woodanilling couple Phil and Helle Crossley believe they were “spoilt“ by last year’s extended green feed season. February winners Phil and Helle Crossley This seasons’ much tougher conditions have impacted ...

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More Prime Lambs From Lochgair image

More Prime Lambs From Lochgair

With their Merino ewes returning an average cut of 8 kg of 21.5 micron wool per head and delivering more SAMM/Merino cross prime lambs for record prices per carcase, the Garard family’s sheep enterprise at Lake Biddy is more than holding its own. Nathan Gilmour returned to Lochgair in Nov last year after 10 years with Elders Finance, and is ...

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WAMMCO Appointments image

WAMMCO Appointments

WAMMCO Katanning manager Tony Bessell has announced the appointment of two new managers for the cooperative’s export lamb and mutton processing plant for the start of the 2018 season. Former Katanning student Hamuera (Sam) Ropitini completed an 18 month training ...

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Tyrell's Return To Winners' Circle image

Tyrell's Return To Winners' Circle

Winning WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month award for December, 2017 has marked a return to the winners’ circle and capped another productive season for Brendon Tyrell and his family of Mt Ridley near Esperance. Pioneeer family farmers of ...

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Wool Prices Lift Sheep/Lamb Optimism image

Wool Prices Lift Sheep/Lamb Optimism

The boost in wool prices and a boyuant lamb and shipper market are rewarding Gnowangerup producer Gavin Lamont’s long term family reliance on Merinos and Poll Dorsets. Gavin’s family were WAMMCO’s Producers of the ...

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Season Hits WAMMCO Lamb Weights image

Season Hits WAMMCO Lamb Weights

WAMMCO has finished 2017 with a November kill of just under 90,000 sheep and lambs, but an average weight loss of 2.2 kg per head below November 2016, due to the testing season for producers. CEO Coll MacRury said the cooperative had been able ...

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Dongolocking SAMMS Win October Award image

Dongolocking SAMMS Win October Award

A 2004 decision to invest in local SAMM prime lamb genetics as a hedge against increasing problems in the Merino industry, is now paying handsome dividends for Dumbleyung farmers Colin and Jacki Ball and their family.     A line of 163 ...

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October Runners Up image

October Runners Up

WAMMCO’S new criteria for their Producer of the Month award has not only brought new contenders from a wider area of WA into the winners’ circle, it has also intensified competition between the top scorers each month. ...

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Survey on Lamb Dentition Critical to WA image

Survey on Lamb Dentition Critical to WA

WA’s lamb producer cooperative WAMMCO has issued an urgent reminder to all WA producers to complete the Sheepmeats Council of Australia survey on lamb dentition before the November 29 deadline. WAMMCO CEO Coll MacRury said grower support via the ...

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Lamb Definition Public Consultation image

Lamb Definition Public Consultation

The Sheepmeat Council of Australia (SCA) is consulting with producers and supply chain stakeholders to determine whether the current definition of lamb requires changing. SCA has released the SCA Lamb Definition Consultation Paper 2017 for more information. The lamb definition is ...

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Esperance Sheepmen Reap Rewards image

Esperance Sheepmen Reap Rewards

Summer floods, grazing crops, abundant stubbles and carefully developed pastures have come together with management enterprise, and top Merino and White Suffolk genetics to lift the ‘bar’ for the Welke family farming partnership at Esperance in 2016/17. Winning WAMMCO&...

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Borden Crossbred Lambs on Top image

Borden Crossbred Lambs on Top

Winners of WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month titles have become a diversified bunch since the Co-operative simplified its judging criteria and included minimum drafts of 100 lambs delivered by members each month. Merino ewes have resurfaced in the commercial ...

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SAMMs, Dorpers and Dry Dowerin Start image

SAMMs, Dorpers and Dry Dowerin Start

Dowerin farmer Darrel Hudson’s strategy to pull back on his 2017 cropping program in favour of an increased focus on breeding SAMM and Dorper prime lambs, changed gears quickly when it did not rain on his Dowerin farms, in ...

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Katanning SAMMS Are Good Doers image

Katanning SAMMS Are Good Doers

The Merino sheep flock run by Katanning’s pioneering Flugge family was down from the 1970’s heights of 20,000 head, to 1000, and battling negative financial territory when Norman Flugge asked his trusted livestock manager Malcolm Crouch and local Elders ...

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Babakin Afrinos Make Their Mark image

Babakin Afrinos Make Their Mark

The Robinson family of ‘Bedar’ in the shadow of Woondillon rock at Babakin, have capped the ‘best-ever’ dollar returns from their sheep enterprise that coincided with a timely sequence of farm business decisions, to win WAMMCO&...

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June wool and sheepmeat survey now open!

The MLA & AWI wool and sheepmeat survey for June is now open (until Friday 30th June). Below is the link to the survey – Surveys completed by 30th June 2017 will be entered into the draw for the chance to&...

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Dohne Gamble Pays Off image

Dohne Gamble Pays Off

Wyalkatchem producer Steve Gamble was quite ‘chuffed’ to learn that his Dohne lambs had won WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for March, 2017. At his instigation, the Gamble cousins, Steve and David had switched their sheep ...

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High Points For Danubin Lambs image

High Points For Danubin Lambs

Keeping the family sheep arithmetic simple and flexible with a preference for weight–no-grade marketing has underpinned a successful White Suffolk/Merino/SAMM prime lamb enterprise for Wongan Hills producer Don Sadler. Don, wife Chris son Darren and daughter Jemma and their partners, of Danubin Farm won WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for February 2017 after an ...

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Wubin Lambs First 2017 Winners image

Wubin Lambs First 2017 Winners

WAMMCO’s decision to modify its Producer of the Month criteria has seen the competition recommence, focussing on plant and marketing efficiencies, and no longer includes and lean meat yield measurements. The criteria are now focussed on consignments of 100 ...

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2016 Sheepmeat Survey

Australia's latest tri-annual wool and sheepmeat survey is now open for producers to complete online. Here is the link to complete the survey

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Big Line of SAMMS From Quairading Wins POM image

Big Line of SAMMS From Quairading Wins POM

Three generations of infusing SAMM genetics with Merinos has assisted Quairading farmers Chad and Sacha Langsford to develop a profitable, minimum-care lamb enterprise that won WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for February 2016. Langsford family It was the ...

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January 2016 Title for TIMARU image

January 2016 Title for TIMARU

A decision by Tim Alexander to cut short his annual leave to send off a first draft of 224 SAMM/Merino cross lambs for the season to WAMMCO resulted in his second consecutive January Producer of the Month and his third ...

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Manypeaks Lambs in First Win image

Manypeaks Lambs in First Win

Manypeaks stockman Kim Dewar had started changing his small lamb breeding enterprise over to a new genetic base of Afrino rams and Multi Purpose Merinos, when a mixed line of lambs from his original flock won WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for December 2015.

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Kulin's 'Free Range' SAMMS image

Kulin's 'Free Range' SAMMS

David Meikle and his son Stephen say their “free range” SAMM prime lamb enterprise partnership with WAMMCO and local livestock agent Barry Gangell enables them to capture good returns with a minimum labour component. (from left) Barry Gangell, ...

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'Lakeside' Ten Years On image

'Lakeside' Ten Years On

Aldersyde lamb producers, Wally and Glennis Mills, have weathered a tough season and increasing, costly attacks on their lambs by marauding Wedge tailed eagles – to win WAMMCO's Producer of the Month title for October 2015. It was Wally's first title ...

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WAMMCO Chairman Steps Down image

WAMMCO Chairman Steps Down

Dawson Bradford, one of Australia’s most decisive and dedicated meat industry leaders, retired at today’s annual meeting, after 15 years as Chairman of the WA Meat Marketing Cooperative Limited. Dawson Bradford Re-elected unopposed at this year’s Annual General Meeting, he will remain a WAMMCO director for another term…

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Second POM Win for Tyrrells image

Second POM Win for Tyrrells

Brendon and Ros Tyrrell have made relatively few changes to their prime lamb enterprise east of Scaddan, since they last won WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month award in January 2013. “The main change is that we are now ...

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Dockers Lamb Man Wins WAMMCO Title image

Dockers Lamb Man Wins WAMMCO Title

Mt Barker lamb producer Rod Drage has become a leader in his field by adapting his Suffolk/Merino crossbred lambs to graze local vineyards and bluegum plantations as well as his own lush, enduring pastures. Rod and his local Landmark agent of long standing, Charlie Staite were last week celebrating his first WAMMCO Producer of the Month title, won by ...

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Fitting Finale For Temby Texels image

Fitting Finale For Temby Texels

Dumbleyung Texel breeder Robert Temby has won WAMMCO’s June 2015 Producer of the Month title with a line of 205 Texel cross lambs that weighed an average of 22.14 kg to return $126.78 per head.

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More good news on WA Lamb

Producer members supplying the WA Meat Marketing Cooperative will be paid another significant pool bonus for the their prime lambs and mutton, - on top of more buoyant returns for their stock during the year.   WAMMCO CEO Coll MacRury ...

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Wongan Merinos Take May Title image

Wongan Merinos Take May Title

Good recent prices for wool, live shippers and lamb continue to justify a faith in Merino sheep, long held by Wongan Hills farmer Scott Kelly and his ex-shearer father David. Scott and David KellyA line of 117 ram lambs culled in March by classer Kevin Broad from their Northwich Poll Merino stud, went through to win WAMMCO’s May 2015 Producer ...

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Katanning SAMMS Take April Title image

Katanning SAMMS Take April Title

WAMMCO Chairman Dawson Bradford this week recognised Badgebup farmer Nathan Garlick and his family for their positive and innovative attitude to prime lamb production. Nathan, wife Trina, and boys Brock, Saxon and Bronte of ‘Beninu Farm’ near Coyrecup ...

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WAMMCO'S March Title To Corrigin Lamb Breeders image

WAMMCO'S March Title To Corrigin Lamb Breeders

Two branches and several generations of Corrigin’s Poultney family have combined many years of sheepbreeding experience in a SAMM/Dohne/Merino prime lamb partnership that has won WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month award for March 2015…

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Merino Carcase Competition image

Merino Carcase Competition

Newly elected Stud Merino Breeders' Association of WA (SMBAWA) president Steven Bolt, Claypans stud, Corrigin, believes there is plenty of money to be made from Merino lambs with an increased number of marketing options now available…

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Third WAMMCO Win For Bunkin Lambs image

Third WAMMCO Win For Bunkin Lambs

Scoring WAMMCO’s bonus rebate on all of their lambs, on top of good prices, another abundant season with good results from rye corn pasture/brown manuring and being able to sell oats for more than the cost of pellets, were highlights of the season for WAMMCO’s producer of the month for February, Dumbleyung producers Terry and ...

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Manjimup Producer Takes WAMMCO Seat image

Manjimup Producer Takes WAMMCO Seat

The directors of WA’s biggest lamb processor and exporter, WAMMCO International have further widened the diversity of their board by appointing Manjimup producer Brad Ipsen to replace Rod Madden of Morawa, who retired in January. Brad Ipsen WAMMCO Chairman Dawson Bradford said Brad Ipsen’s family was one of Australia’s most prominent producers of broccoli ...

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Timaru SAMMS Back On Top image

Timaru SAMMS Back On Top

Tim, Jenelle and Jim Alexander Changing profit margins and poor wool prices have seen the Alexander family of the 8,000 hectare ‘Timaru’ mixed farming enterprise at Beverley halve their wool and lamb flock numbers in favour of more grain production over the past two years. Down from a peak of 5,500 ewes mated when the family won their first WAMMCO ...

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Rod Madden Retires image

Rod Madden Retires

Another of WAMMCO’s earlier directors, Morawa producer Rod Madden, formally retired after 11 years of service, at this week’s board meeting. WAMMCO chairman Dawson Bradford said Rod’s appointment in 2003 as a director with special cooperative ...

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Kukerin Lambs Take Second Title image

Kukerin Lambs Take Second Title

When Dumbleyung/Kukerin producer Jon Ward last won WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title in October 2009 his winning consignment consisted of 261 lambs, with carcases weighing an average of 22.49 kg to return $102.89 per head including skin. He has just ...

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Change To SAMMS Keeps O'Neills in Sheep image

Change To SAMMS Keeps O'Neills in Sheep

The promise of a reasonable return from crossbred lambs saved Lake Grace farmer Mike O’Neill from a future dedicated to total cropping back in 2009. Poor wool returns and the need to manage troublesome Merino hoggets had all but ...

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Nyabing Dohnes On The Money image

Nyabing Dohnes On The Money

The chance purchase of a flock of 1,400 F4 mated Dohne ewes from breeder Keith Henderson eight years ago gave Nyabing/Wagin farmer Graham Ball and his family a base for the profitable, easy care, prime lamb flock they were seeking ...

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Fourth WAMMCO Win For Uralla image

Fourth WAMMCO Win For Uralla

A long tradition of perfecting merino ewes for wool and lamb production and the more recent development of their highly successful Uralla SAMM stud at Pingaring, continues to help the Jensen family to stay in WAMMCO’s winners’ ...

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Sheepmeat and wool survey

MLA and AWI conduct a sheep industry survey every February, June and October, to assess the production capability of Australia's sheep flock. The survey covers the key aspects of sheepmeat and wool production, including ewes on hand, lambs intended for ...

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2014/15 WAMMCO State Prime Lamb Carcase Competition Is Open image

2014/15 WAMMCO State Prime Lamb Carcase Competition Is Open

The 2014/15 WAMMCO State Prime Lamb Carcase Competition is up and running and will remain open for lambs processed at Katanning until Friday 29th May 2015. This year we have introduced a new category – New Season Lamb.  This is defined ...

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Keen Contest For WAMMCO Seat

Producer realisation that WAMMCO has an increasing role to play in shaping the future of WA’s prime lamb and mutton industry, has brought unprecedented competition from four candidates for a vacancy on the board of the co-operative. The nominees ...

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Another Texel/SAMM Win For Albany Breeder image

Another Texel/SAMM Win For Albany Breeder

Breeder George Clark and assistant Geoff Waterswith a Texel/Samm mother and her tripletsat Albany last week. WAMMCO's Producer of the Month for August 2014, Lower King producer George Clark, is confident that the Texel breed he helped to introduce to ...

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Unexpected Fanfare For 'Gulnare' SAMMS image

Unexpected Fanfare For 'Gulnare' SAMMS

A return to higher lamb and stud ram prices, and to an abundance of local killing space, another bumper season and the successful sale of their Gulnare SAMM stud, have made a fitting industry exodus for dedicated Dumbleyung sheepbreeders Phil ...

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Evergreen Repeats June Win image

Evergreen Repeats June Win

Craig Heggaton and his family’s Evergreen Grazing prime lamb production enterprise at Kojonup are surfing a new crest of global confidence in lamb, a welcome new WAMMCO trading bonus for producers and another brilliant season. The announcement of ...

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Katanning Pauses After Busy Lamb/Mutton Run

WAMMCO Katanning will close for a three week maintenance break on July 21 to prepare for a busy run through to Christmas. CEO Coll MacRury said WAMMCO’s Goulburn plant would continue processing to supply the cooperative’s major overseas customers ...

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Ballidu SAMMS Nudge $135

Phil, Susan, Corey and Olivia Mincherton’s SAMM/Merino lamb enterprise at Ballidu, may have delivered its first – and last – WAMMCO Producer of the Month title. A line of 140 SAMM/Merino cross lambs from an August 2013 drop ...

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WATERWISE Award for WAMMCO image


The Water Corporation has recognised one of its biggest corporate consumers with an award for water conservation. WAMMCO International, WA’s leading processor and exporter of quality lamb and sheepmeat is now also officially recognised as a leader in ...

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WAMMCO Loses Four More 'Early Settlers' image

WAMMCO Loses Four More 'Early Settlers'

Another group of four Cocos and Christmas Islanders who moved with their families to Katanning in the mid-1970’s, soon after the town’s export meatworks was established, recently retired after serving up to 38 years with successive owners ...

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'Ikewa' Lambs Win Again image

'Ikewa' Lambs Win Again

Winning their second WAMMCO Producer of the Month title since February 2011 has capped an excellent opening to the 2014 season for Peter and Kate Mills of "Ikewa", Mingenew. "The late April rains and follow-up after a long dry summer, have set ...

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RAS Hall of Fame  -  Dawson Bradford image

RAS Hall of Fame - Dawson Bradford

Dawson Bradford said he was humbled by this week’s RAS Hall of Fame honour and regarded his induction as recognition for important advancements in WA’s farming industry.“I have been privileged to serve the farming ...

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State Carcase Competition is open for entries image

State Carcase Competition is open for entries

Entries for the WAMMCO State Prime Lamb Carcase Competition are now open. The extended competition will run until Thursday, May 29, 2014. Download the competition entry form HERE. More information: Rob Davidson 0429 380 195 and Judy Cameron on 9821 2000, for lamb bookings.

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Another Win For Dowerin Lambs image

Another Win For Dowerin Lambs

The originator of Dowerin’s prime lamb production ‘trio’, Darrel Hudson of Yleena Farm, has won his second WAMMCO Producer of the Month title with a line of 109 SAMM/Dorper lambs that were processed at the Katanning ...

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Good 2014 Start For 'Tiarri' image

Good 2014 Start For 'Tiarri'

Winning their fourth WAMMCO Producer of the Month title – for February 2014 - along with some key Woolorama ribbons last week, on top of a good season, has set a positive 2014 pattern for Ross and Pauline Taylor, and daughter Kelly-Anne ...

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Dowerin SAMM Crossbred Lambs Win January Award image

Dowerin SAMM Crossbred Lambs Win January Award

A switch from breeding to buying in Merino ewes to mate with SAMM rams is helping Dowerin farmer Jarrad Hollins to beat high labour costs and to optimise his returns in a new sheep/lamb/cropping mix. Jarrad is WAMMCO&...

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2014 MLA and AWI Wool and Sheepmeat Survey image

2014 MLA and AWI Wool and Sheepmeat Survey

After a very dry year, and historically high lamb and sheep slaughter as a proportion of the total flock in 2012 and 2013, most southern regions of Australia received solid falls in winter and spring, with Victoria, Tasmania, SA and WA reporting ...

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Capemont SAMM/Merino Lambs Win Again

Keeping a firm course with their Merino/SAMM lamb enterprise has led the Kowald family's Capemont Farms at Katanning to their second WAMMCO Producer of the Month title for December 2013. "One of the main differences of the year was the ...

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Bremer Bay SAMMS Win WAMMCO Award image

Bremer Bay SAMMS Win WAMMCO Award

2013 has served to remind Bremer Bay SAMM producers Anthony Thomas and Leonie McMahon, how easy and rewarding it can be running livestock in an abundant season. Their 1400 hectare property ‘Jinjinnup’, about 7 km from the coast near Bremer Bay ...

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A Plentiful Season image

A Plentiful Season

A plentiful supply of lambs, improving markets and a more favourable dollar resulted in a profitable 2012/13 season for WAMMCO, with more stable prospects ahead, CEO Coll MacRury told a big gathering of cooperative members at the Mount Barker AGM on ...

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Second WAMMCO Win For Greg And Annette Cake image

Second WAMMCO Win For Greg And Annette Cake

The addition of a new 2,400 ha farm at South Needilup four years ago, further genetic progress with their SAMMs and Dohnes, a stabilising wool market, and a bumper season have been welcome morale boosters for Greg and Annette Cake, WAMMCO&...

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2013 Carcase Comp is open for entries

Entries for the WAMMCO State Prime Lamb Carcase Competition are now open. The extended competition will run until Thursday, May 29, 2014. Download The Competition Entry Form Here. More information: Rob Davidson 0429 380 195 and Judy Cameron on 9821 2000, for lamb bookings.

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Uranbah Takes Second Title image

Uranbah Takes Second Title

A prime lamb breeding formula using SAMMS over Merinos then White Suffolks over F1 ewes has continued to prove a winning combination for Phil and Ingrid Anderson of Uranbah Estate, Tambellup. A line of 176 old-season's lambs averaged 23.7 kg and returned $109.53 ...

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New Taste Tests For Heggaton Lamb image

New Taste Tests For Heggaton Lamb

The choice of Liz and Craig Heggaton’s Evergreen Grazing Co as one of four producer demonstration sites in WA for the MLA funded Lean Meat Yield/Lamb Eating Quality trials, will be readily apparent to those attending their ...

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Quintara Ewe Lambs Take WAMMCO Title

Esperance SAMM breeders Quintarra Farms returned to the winners’ ring in WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month stakes by taking out the July title with a line of 682 third cross and higher SAMM ewe and wether lambs that weighed 23.72 kg ...

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WAMMCO Pays Extra 40c/kg on lamb, 20c/kg on mutton

WA’s premier lamb and sheepmeat producers’ cooperative, WAMMCO International is preparing to distribute a record $1.8 million in bonuses and shares to its producer members in early August. WAMMCO chairman Dawson Bradford said the distribution was almost double the previous ...

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Chinese Workers Win Visa Clearance image

Chinese Workers Win Visa Clearance

WAMMCO International has welcomed the decision of a recent hearing of the Migration Review Tribunal in Perth, to approve residency applications by 21 Chinese workers at the Katanning processing plant on completion of their 457 Visa requirements. The workers were included in ...

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WAMMCO Retirees From Diverse Backgrounds image

WAMMCO Retirees From Diverse Backgrounds

WAMMCO International has farewelled two of its longest serving employees, Christmas Islander Amalan Alna and Polish refugee Richard Carson who both retired on June 30 after more than 30 years with the group. Amalan, alias “Ammo” was 16 when he came ...

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Lamb Win A Turning Point For Forbes image

Lamb Win A Turning Point For Forbes

May has been something of a rally point - after a tough year - for Jerramungup producers Sandy and Alan Forbes of the Royston Prime SAMM and White Dorper studs. They won their second WAMMCO producer of the Month award (...

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WA Farmers Poised To Cash In image

WA Farmers Poised To Cash In

WA sheep producers look set to be among the big winners from a severe drought in New Zealand and an emerging export market for processed fat-tailed sheep. Read the article from The West Australian 1 June 2013 ...  

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Carton Lamb May Replace Live Sheep Exports image

Carton Lamb May Replace Live Sheep Exports

A new series of processing trials with fat tail sheep stranded by political disruption to Australia’s live sheep export markets, has changed the mood of a group of pastoralists and farmers in WA’s remote Southern rangelands ...

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Mingenew Dorpers Win WAMMCO

One of WA’s biggest commercial/stud Dorper sheep enterprises – now in winding down mode – has scored WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for April, 2013. Stuart and Cherie Smart of Erregulla Plains, Mingenew, moved from ...

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Second WAMMCO Win For Cronin Family image

Second WAMMCO Win For Cronin Family

Introducing rye corn as a cereal pasture crop and working to improve the survival rates of their SAMM twins are two of the ongoing missions Dumbleyung lamb producers, Dale and Terry Cronin are using to reduce costs in their sheep ...

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Woodanilling Suffolks Take Febrary 2013 Title image

Woodanilling Suffolks Take Febrary 2013 Title

A proven mix of Suffolk crossbreds, Merinos and mixed grain production is keeping Woodanilling farmers, Barry and Damian Shackley in a sound, sustainable farming mode despite tougher seasons and tighter markets. The family, which consists of Barry and wife Sandra, ...

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Chance Booking a Winner image

Chance Booking a Winner

A chance booking at WAMMCO Katanning on January 21, was a bonus as well as a relief for Esperance SAMM breeders Brendon Tyrrell and his family - because their line of 378 lambs took out the Cooperative’s Producer of the ...

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Jerramungup SAMMS Take WAMMCO image

Jerramungup SAMMS Take WAMMCO

A breeding ‘partnership’ in SAMMs started with their Jerramungup neighbour Cullam SAMM Stud some 10 years ago, has assisted Graham and Wayne Barrett of “Glendale” to move from Merinos to develop a flock of 5,000 SAMM ewes that ...

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Manypeaks Pastures Exclusively For lamb image

Manypeaks Pastures Exclusively For lamb

Manypeaks producer Alan Lubcke is moving closer to his goal of producing 2,000 lambs a year from 1500 crossbred flock ewes - set when he moved from Merinos to prime lamb production about six years ago. As WAMMCO’s Producer of ...

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First Win For Bremer Bay Texels/White Suffolks image

First Win For Bremer Bay Texels/White Suffolks

Bremer Bay lamb producers Wayne and Tara Pittard have broken through a SAMM stranglehold on WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month contest, to take the October 2012 title with a line of 101 Texel and White Suffolk lambs from Merino/Border ...

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Signals from the AGM image

Signals from the AGM

WAMMCO Chairman Dawson Bradford and CEO Coll MacRury warned of little lamb market improvement, but gave some positive signals to shareholder producers at the Cooperative’s 2011/12 AGM at Beverley on October 31. Dawson said prompt action by the Board in ...

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Uralla Lambs win again image

Uralla Lambs win again

When the Jensen family of “Uralla”, Pingaring were last WAMMCO Producers of the Month in January, 2009, they were the first producers to be judged under WAMMCO Select criteria, just after the system was introduced. They also scored a ...

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Heavyweight Forward Lamb Contract

April to June 2013 Terms and Conditions Effective 24 October 2012 1. Basis of Payment The basis of payment for crossbred and Merino lambs meeting the contract specification will be the higher of either the: (a) guaranteed minimum price or (b) WAMMCO’s ...

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Notice of 2012 Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Western Australian Meat Marketing Co-operative Limited ("Co-operative") will be held at the Beverley Bowling Club, 68 Forrest St, Beverley, Western Australia on Wednesday, 31 October 2012 at 4.00pm.   Speaker - Dr Kelly ...

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2012-13 Carcase Competition As it is now time to start thinking about selling your prime lambs don’t forget the WAMMCO State Prime Lamb Carcase Competition is on again this year. Entries for this year’s competition opened on Monday, ...

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Gulnare SAMM Lambs Win First WAMMCO Title image

Gulnare SAMM Lambs Win First WAMMCO Title

A close working partnership between Phil and Chris Bairstow in developing their ‘Gulnare’ Prime SAMM stud and commercial lamb enterprise at Dumbleyung as a centre for high growth lamb production, has been rewarded with WAMMCO’s Producer ...

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On-Property Lamb Option Worth Waiting For image

On-Property Lamb Option Worth Waiting For

A long tradition of mating big numbers of Merino ewes to Poll Dorset rams, and the option of selling crossbred lambs off their mothers, on-property to WAMMCO on a fixed price - no grade basis as well as weight and ...

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Kondinin SAMM/MPM Win For Brownings image

Kondinin SAMM/MPM Win For Brownings

An easy-care, self replacing flock based on a genetic ‘blend’ of “Moojepin” and “Great Southern” Multi Purpose Merino mothers and “Capolinga “ SAMM rams, is an integral prime lamb/wool component of the ...

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Second WAMMCO Win For Cullam image

Second WAMMCO Win For Cullam

Agisting lambs on the summer-rain-affected crops of a Jerramungup neighbour, not only assisted Simon Cullam to cut the summer feed costs on his SAMM lambs, it helped him and wife Helen to take out WAMMCO’S Producer of the ...

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First WAMMCO Award For Woodanilling Producers image

First WAMMCO Award For Woodanilling Producers

Tough seasonal conditions with a ten percent lower lambing, prevented Woodanilling’s Bessell - Browne family, who are former placegetters in WAMMCO’s State lamb competition, from entering the 2011/12 contest. However a draft of 110 SAMM lambs delivered from ...

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First WAMMCO Win for Royston SAMM image

First WAMMCO Win for Royston SAMM

Strong European signals of an escalating demand for red meat and a shared passion for sheep farming convinced Jerramungup couple Alan and Sandy Forbes four years ago that they were on the right track with investments in their Royston SAMM ...

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Third Win For Tiari

A trifecta of later lambing, their first good season in three years with heavy summer rains, and ongoing genetic gains have combined with the bouyant lamb price to boost the returns of WAMMCO’s Producers of the Month for January 2012, ...

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Making More From Sheep - February Workshops

Sheep breeding and feeding workshops will be held during February and March.  See the flyer for full details.

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WAMMCO Select Bonuses For Kojonup Breeder image

WAMMCO Select Bonuses For Kojonup Breeder

A high WAMMCO Select score on 65 of the 113 cull ewe hoggets processed for Kojonup ram breeders Tim and Steph Stevenson on December 22, did more than assist the couple to win their first WAMMCO Producer of the Month title. Tim said ...

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First WAMMCO Win For Frankland Producers image

First WAMMCO Win For Frankland Producers

Prime lamb production could feature in a farming resurgence in the tree plantation areas of Frankland River and other areas, according to WAMMCO’s Producers of the Month for November 2011, Robin Higgins and his family of “Netley” ...

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Dorperlee Debut

A new ‘Dorperlee’ prime lamb jointly developed by Pingelly farming neighbours Alan Cunningham and Steve Kolb, has won WAMMCO’s October Producer of the Month title for Alan and Joanne Cunningham and their son Brodie. Alan Cunningham said he and ...

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Notice of 2011 Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Western Australian Meat Marketing Co-operative Limited ("Co-operative") will be held at the Wave Rock Motel, cnr Marshall St and Lynch St, Hyden, Western Australia on Wednesday, 26 October 2011 at 3.00pm.  ...

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2011 Sheepmeat and wool survey

The MLA and AWI sheepmeat and wool survey October 2011 is now open for completion. The information collected will assist MLA, AWI and other stakeholders with supply forecasting and research and development needs. All entries received by October 31 will go into ...

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More Lamb From Less Land image

More Lamb From Less Land

A trial grazing lambs on a mix of canola and clover not only achieved better weight gains than their feedlot in 2010, it also contributed to WAMMCO’s September Producer of the Month title going to Bunkin Farming Enterprises at ...

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Approved Rules

Western Australian Meat Marketing Co-operative Limited - Approved Rules. A copy of the Approved Rules can be downloaded here.

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Grass Patch Producer Wins Again

Strategic breeding and enterprise changes continue to pay dividends for Grass Patch prime lamb producers Kevin and Simone Defrenne who have just notched up their second consecutive WAMMCO Producer of the Month title win for August. The couple have continued ...

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2011 WAMMCO Carcase Competition

Entries for the 2011 competition are now open.  Enter for a chance to share in $14,000 in cash and prizes! Entries will be taken in three categories Heavyweight export lambs Consignments larger than 300 lambs Trade weight lambs 18-21kg The competition ...

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Seventh Win For Quintarra Farms

A decision by the Quinlivan family at Esperance in 1997 to adopt SAMM genetics as ‘the way forward’ has continued to pay dividends with their seventh WAMMCO Producer of the Month award – for July 2011. Todd Quinlivan said SAMM rams began replacing ...

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The Chemistry Was Right For George

When former Albany pharmacist George Clark retired to go full-time farming in the mid-1990’s he shared some of WA’s first Texelseed stock with Q-Lamb pioneer, Alan Jarman, never imagining he would see the price of lamb in WA ...

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More Money For Lighter Lambs

A big lift in WAMMCO’s lamb price schedules gave May’s Producers of the month, Phil and Helle Crossley, more money per head for a consignment of 103 SAMM/AMS cross lambs that averaged nearly 4 kg less than the 192 lambs ...

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WAMMCO to expand operations to Eastern Australia image

WAMMCO to expand operations to Eastern Australia

To our Valued Customers, WAMMCO International is pleased to announce that from 1 July 2011 it will take over the management and production facilities of NSW based meat processor Southern Meats Pty Ltd in Goulburn. Over the past decade WAMMCO has worked ...

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Hyden Feedlot Scores Bonus

Crushed oaten hay added to a feedlot ‘farm mix’ of lupins, oats, wheat and barley, combined with Merino and SAMM genetics to win WAMMCO’s April 2011 Producer of the Month title for Hyden lamb producers Brian, Sue and Tim Burrow.“...

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New Chief For WAMMCO image

New Chief For WAMMCO

Media Release - 10/04/11 Scott Weir, an experienced meat industry professional from New Zealand, has been appointed to replace Coll MacRury as CEO of major WA export lamb processor, WAMMCO International.WAMMCO Chairman, Dawson Bradford said Mr Weir was currently Head ...

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Dual Awards For Cullam SAMMS image

Dual Awards For Cullam SAMMS

March turned out to be a month of major achievement for Jerramungup lamb breeders, Rod and Simon Cullam of Cullam Prime SAMM stud.A line of 153 of their SAMM lambs scored WAMMCO’s March Producer of the Month award ...

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Big Dividends For Mingenew Lambs

February Producer of the Month for WAMMCO, Peter Mills of Ikewa Grazing, Mingenew was surprised to win the award.“I have had heavier lambs in past years and the February 2011 line went to WAMMCO straight off lupin stubbles with no ...

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WAMMCO State Prime Lamb Carcase Competition Presentation Day

Announcement of winners and prize presentations for the 2010/11 WAMMCO State Prime Lamb Carcase Competition will be held at The New Lodge, Clive Street, Katanning, on Tuesday 22nd March 2011 commencing at 2pm. All welcome including growers that didn't enter the competition.&...

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WAMMCO State Prime Lamb Competition Entries Open

We are pleased to announce entries for the State Prime Lamb Competition are now open. Thanks to the following sponsors whose generous support has enabled the competition to happen. More information: Entry Form Competition Grid Contacts: Rob Davidson on 0429-380195 ...

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Katanning SAMMS Take January Title

A trial with SAMM rams from Rockdale stud Dumbleyung, has enabled Katanning lamb producer Sheldon Kowald of Capemont Farms to add WAMMCO’s January 2011 Producer of the Month award to his impressive list of titles.Consistent supporters of the State ...

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Sixth Producer Title To Quintarra Farms

The success of Quintarra Farms Esperance in winning two WAMMCO Producer of the Month titles in January and December 2010 served as a fitting final tribute to Mick Quinlivan – one of WA’s staunchest lamb industry supporters. Mick had just retired ...

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Springfield Farms Notches Third WAMMCO Win

An investment in a new set of integrated steel sheepyards confirms a renewed commitment to sheep and lamb production for third-time WAMMCO Producers of the Month, the Waddell family of ‘Springfield Farms’, Newdegate. “With the bad seasons, a pending ban ...

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Maximising a Good Start

WAMMCO’s October Producer of the Month title winners, the Taylor family of “ Tiarri Prime Samms” Lake Grace, believe that feedlotting the right lambs still pays, despite high grain prices.A good start to the season saw their May drop ...

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New Board Appointments

WAMMCO is pleased to advise that Tony Boyle (York) has been elected to the Board following the retirement of Mick Quinlivan (Esperance).  Tony's appointment was announced at this week’s AGM at Katanning. Also confirmed at the AGM ...

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Three Nominate for WAMMCO Seat

Active members of the West Australian Meat Marketing Cooperative have been mailed ballot papers and background detail on three candidates who have nominated for the seat of retiring Esperance Producer Director Mick Quinlivan. The candidates are Tony Boyle of York, ...

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Esperance Lambs Take August Title

As their lambs were taking out the WAMMCO Producer of the Month title for August 2010 at an average of $5.25 per kilo, a draft of cattle from Kevin and Simone Defrenne’s Grass Patch property were being sold at just $2.70 per ...

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Five Month Old Lambs Take WAMMCO Award

Wellstead prime lamb producers Malcolm, Marie and Jordan Fenwick have notched up their third WAMMCO Producer of the month title, taking out the September, 2010 award with a mix of 4-5 month old SAMM/East Friesian/Dorper lambs that averaged $124.85 per ...

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Dowerin Lambs Top $5 per kilo

WAMMCO’s June 2010 Producers of the Month, Darrel and Diane  Hudson of Yleena Farm, Dowerin  have scored important district and statewide firsts.  Their winning consignment of 232 SAMM lambs was not only the first from the Dowerin wheatbelt ...

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Lamb Proves a Winner for Katanning Family

Restarting their sheep enterprise after a three year break,  with AMS ewes and SAMM rams has proved  a winning formula  for Katanning producers Phil and Helle Crossley. The family won  WAMMCO’s April Producer of the ...

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Sheep buyer hangs up his boots image

Sheep buyer hangs up his boots

After 50 years of working as a livestock buyer, industry stalwart Brian Norsworthy, also known as Beast, has hung up his boots. Like many of his peers, Brian has seen the industry overcome challenges and evolve. His retirement comes as prices ...

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Win Confirms SAMM Versatility

Quintarra Farms, Esperance notched up their fifth annual WAMMCO Producer of the Month title early this year with a January consignment of SAMM lambs from a different environment.Todd Quinlivan said previous SAMM winners had come off lucerne and other ...

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WA initiative to drive future lamb industry success image

WA initiative to drive future lamb industry success

A collaboration between industry, government, processors, universities and Meat & Livestock Australia was brought to fruition today (Tuesday, January 19), with the ministerial launch of LambEx 2010 – a national lamb industry event to drive the future profitability of the industry. WA ...

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Lamb Outpaces Beef at Denmark

Cutting their cattle numbers to produce more lambs was something of a test for Denmark farmers Don and Georgie Nekel when they made the move two years ago.Their judgement was rewardedin December when a consignment of 151 Poll Dorset/Merino ...

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Early Reward For Change To Crossbreds

A big thunderstorm at the end of February and sound Merino/Poll Dorset genetics helped prime lamb newcomers Charlie and Sue Joyce of Castlak Farms Kukerin, to win Wammco’s November Producer of the Month title.The rainstorm supplied a ...

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Kukerin Lambs Win October POM Title

A good score in WAMMCO Select assisted Jon and Terry Ward of ‘Yaudling’ Dumbleyung to win WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for October.Their winning consignment consisted of 261 lambs with an average carcase weight of 22.49 kilograms and a ...

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New WAMMCO CEO Looks To Keep WA On ‘Front Foot’

WAMMCO’s new CEO Coll MacRury sees his initial role with the cooperative as addressing Western Australia’s declining sheep flock and keeping WAMMCO at the ‘cutting edge’ of lamb processing technology and marketing. “I am here initially, to take ...

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Coolalees in WAMMCO Spotlight

WA’s only Coolalee prime lamb stud has ended a record-breaking run of six consecutive wins by SAMM breeders for WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month award. Ron and Erica Russell’s Pingamup Creek Coolalee stud at Jerramungup: • Won WAMMCO’...

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High Score With WAMMCO Select

A decision to cross their AMS ewes with SAMM rams five years ago is helping Pithara farmers and WAMMCO’s July Producer of the Month title winners, Hedley and June Falls towards a truly sustainable farming enterprise. The couple have ...

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Sheep Mean Certainty For Jerdacuttup POM

Merino ewes retain pride of place at Joe and Louie Hughes’ “Ulinga “ property at Jerdacuttup despite an increasing emphasis on cropping and a dominant prime lamb production program that won WAMMCO’s June Producer of the Month title.“We are ...

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Katanning plant to close through August

WAMMCO's Katanning plant will be closed from Friday 24 July 2009 and for the month of August 2009. As has been discussed in general and through the media the plant will be undergoing a major redevelopment of its Lamb Boning Room which will ...

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Four And Five In a Row For SAMMS

The fourth WAMMCO Producer of the Month win in four consecutive years, the fifth consecutive monthly win for the SAMM breed and a high WAMMCO Select bonus were highlights of the May title win for Mick and Todd Quinlivan of ...

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Katanning Cadet Bid

WAMMCO International, one of Katanning’s largest employers, is looking at introducing a management cadet scheme to attract young people into the meat industry. The scheme is the brainchild of chief executive Coll MacRury, who took over from Des Griffiths ...

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Capolinga Joins Winners' List

A decision in 2002 to go for self-replacing SAMMS is paying handsome dividends for Warren and Tammy Garlick of  ‘Capolinga’ SAMMS Kondinin.A line of 150 fifth cross SAMM lambs from Capolinga went through Katanning at the end of April to ...

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WAMMCO Select Bonus For March Winner

Keeping an interest in sheep is important for WAMMCO’s March 2009 Producer of the Month, Greg Cake of Gairdner River. Greg sees his first POM win as confirmation of progress for his prime lamb enterprise since introducing SAMM sires over ...

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Major Upgrade For WAMMCO

WAMMCO International has unveiled plans for a $5 million upgrade to its boning room which is expected to be completed in time for this year’s spring lamb flush.The upgrade will improve efficiencies and production, reduce overtime and result in 15 ...

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Industry Salutes Des Griffiths image

Industry Salutes Des Griffiths

Foundation directors of WAMMCO, former Agriculture Minister Monty House and his successor Terry Redman were amongst honoured guests of the Cooperative at the recent farewell in Perth for retiring CEO Des Griffiths on April 28.The foundation directors who were pictured ...

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More Wins For Rockdale SAMMS

Intensifying their SAMM genetics helped Haydn and Mark Edwards of Rockdale Dumbleyung to win WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for February and also produced a handy WAMMCO Smart bonus.  Rockdale Prime SAMM stud also took out the ...

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First WAMMCO Select Bonus For Pingaring Winners

A bonus payment of $292.25 from WAMMCO Select boosted the winning returns for WAMMCO’s Producers of the Month for January, 2009, the Jensen family of “Uralla”, Pingaring. Previous Producers of the Month for April 2005, the family won the January 2009 award with ...

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‘WAMMCO SELECT’ - A New benefit For WAMMCO Members

The introduction of reward payments based on video-imaging technology, under the new ‘WAMMCO SELECT’ label for high yielding lambs, was billed today as another major advance for WA producer members by WAMMCO chairman, Dawson Bradford. Mr Bradford said the system ...

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Staying With Sheep

A transition that has seen about half of a 6000 ewe flock switched over the past few years from wool to prime lambs for processing and live export, is set to continue for WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month winners for ...

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WA Lamb Set To Ride Out Global Uncertainty

WAMMCO is anticipating that 2009 could see a long-awaited turning point in WA’s declining sheep flock, on the prospects of a good year ahead for WA lamb producers. WAMMCO CEO Des Griffiths said after recent meetings with the Co-operative’s ...

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Second Win for the Wrights image

Second Win for the Wrights

Mt.Barker/Kojaneerup lamb producers Bruce and Graham Wright are celebrating a big delivery of 12,000 lambs to WAMMCO and live exporters for the 2008 season, by also winning their second November WAMMCO Producer of the Month title. Bruce, a director ...

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New Zealand CEO for WAMMCO

WA’s producer lamb Cooperative WAMMCO has appointed one of New Zealand’s most accomplished meat processing administrators to take over management of its business from retiring Chief Executive Officer Des Griffiths. Coll MacRury, who has managed  plants for ...

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Increased Lambing for Winning Producers image

Increased Lambing for Winning Producers

The prospects of a good cash flow from lamb without too much stress led Hyden farmers Clint and Kevin Couper to mate an extra 800 Merino ewes to Poll Dorset rams last year – and to win WAMMCO’s Producer ...

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Lamb Competition Gathers Pace

Nominations for WAMMCO’s $15,000 State Lamb Carcase Competition have already nudged ahead of  entry numbers for this time last year, and convenor Rob Davidson is hoping for a bumper contest. With 2009 also expected to see the introduction by WAMMCO ...

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Bleechmore Family becomes member 2000

North Boyup Brook sheep producer Martin Bleechmore and family became the 2000th members of WAMMCO, almost by chance. “We normally negotiate to sell our Merino lambs for live shipment, but this draft of over 700, 12-13 month old, off-shears lambs had ...

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Lamb Win A Treat For Narrembeen Forrests

Winning WAMMCO’s September 2008 Producer of the Month title was  a special highlight for Narembeen producers Jim, Esther and Paul Forrest. News of their winning draft of 316 Suffolk/Merino cross lambs came through right on top of a crippling ...

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2008 Carcase Competition

WAMMCO's 2008 State-wide Carcase Competition is open for entries. Entry fee is $50 and prizes totalling $13,000 is up for grabs. The entry form can be downloaded by clicking on the link below... Download Associated File (424 KB). The file above is in Portable ...

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Newdegate SAMMS's Take WAMMCO's August title image

Newdegate SAMMS's Take WAMMCO's August title

Michele and Beau Waddell of Newdegate did not realise a draft of their SAMM/Merino cross lambs might win WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for August before they recently decided to reduce the scale of  their ...

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July POM Re-Run

WAMMCO’s July Producer of the Month title has been awarded to Warrick and Lynda Cooper of Mt. Barker/South Stirlings for the second consecutive year. Rules of the competition allow producers to win only one title in any year, ...

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Profit Lift for WAMMCO - Media Release

WA’s biggest lamb processor, the WA Meat Marketing Cooperative, has recorded its second best annual profit of $2.7 million after paying qualifying producer members a pool bonus of $1 million.  This represents an improvement of $1.3 million on 2006/07 profit of $1.4 million. ...

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WAMMCO Named as Australia

Last night, WAMMCO (the Western Australian Meat Marketing Co-Operative) was named as Australia’s best employer of Job Network job seekers during 2007. WAMMCO took out the Champion Employer of the Year Award in the 2008 NESA Awards for Excellence. The Champion ...

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WAMMCO Katanning Announced as National Employer Award Finalist image

WAMMCO Katanning Announced as National Employer Award Finalist

WAMMCO (the Western Australian Meat Marketing Co-Operative) has been recognised as one of the three best employers in the country for  their dedication to providing employment to people having difficulty obtaining full-time work. The Katanning-based co-operative was announced as ...

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SAMMS and LambPlan Win for Quintarra

Mick and Todd Quinlivan and their Quintarra SAMMS have kept Esperance on the map ‘lambwise’ this year despite a dry windy season, by winning their second consecutive WAMMCO June Producer of the Month title and their third title in four ...

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York Winners Average $99

A draft of 1300 store Prime SAMM cross lambs purchased in February, enabled the Boyle family of ‘Hawkhurst’ York to take off WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for May. The lambs went onto lupin stubbles on ‘Hawkhurst’ for several ...

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Beverley Lambs Win April Title

Mating first cross SAMM ewe lambs to Suffolk rams and backgrounding lambs for WAMMCO on stubbles prior to finishing them through a two tiered feeder system, is a plan working well for April Producer of the month title winners Jim ...

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Second Win for Blythwood

Blythswood lambs from the Ongerup property of Robert and the late David Hooper, have won the family’s second WAMMCO Producer of the Month title in two years – for February 2008. Blythswood also won the award in  October, 2006 with a ...

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High Yields In Winning Ongerup Lambs

Ongerup farmers Tim and Vicki O’Neill were surprised to learn they had won WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for March. “The 665 lambs in the winning consignment were mainly from ewes we had purchased  from producers ...

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Beverley Producers Go For More Lambs

WAMMCO producers of the month for February Richard and Di Smith are amongst an increasing number of  farmers changing their cropping/lamb enterprise mix. The couple sold their cattle two years ago, and are now changing their cropping/lamb ...

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Oats Boost Lambs from Salmon Gums

A program of mating Merino/Dohne mothers to Poll Dorset rams at Munglinup, and moving the weaners to Salmon Gums for finishing on standing oat crops, is proving a winner for P.A. Tucker Pty. Ltd. of Myamba Downs and ...

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December Title to Newdegate Lambs

A poor growing season did not prevent Newdegate farmer Geoff Galloway averaging 25.66 kg for a line of 415 Poll Dorset/Merino cross lambs processed at WAMMCO Katanning on December 5,  to win the cooperative’s Producer of the Month title for ...

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Long-tail Lambs Win November Title

Diverting a line of  SAMM/Poll Dorset long tailed lambs from the live export market to WAMMCO at Katanning enabled Robert O’Halloran to capture the cooperative’s Producer of the Month title for November. The line of 300 lambs ...

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2007 Katanning Show image

2007 Katanning Show

On Saturday the 27th October 2007, the Katanning Processing Plant conducted a stall at the 116th Annual Katanning Show.  The stall showcased employment opportunities at WAMMCO, as well as producer and skins information.  We had a great day despite ...

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WAMMCO's September Title to Tambellup

A mix of SAMM/White Suffolk and Merino genetics and a breeding program designed to deliver lambs to WAMMCO in the ‘gap’ between old and new season’s lamb supplies, has rewarded the cooperative’s 2007 September Producers of the Month, ...

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Bremer Bay Producer is WAMMCO August POM image

Bremer Bay Producer is WAMMCO August POM

Warnings from WAMMCO over the increase in Ovis cysts in lambs have been echoed by the Cooperative’s Producer of the Month for August, Bremer Bay producer John Iffla. John said Ovis in store lambs he had imported had ...

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South Stirling Producer Wins WAMMCO

A strong faith in Merino mothers, access to the stubbles of neighbours and consistent processing feedback from WAMMCO,  were ingredients that contributed to the July Producer of the Month title win for Mt.Barker/South Stirling producers Warrick and ...

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Cheryl Wallis Retires

WAMMCO International Katanning would like to take the opportunity to recognise the service of Cheryl Wallis, who retired on the 11 July 2007 from the Katanning Processing Plant. Cheryl has proven to be a dedicated and reliable employee during her 14 year employment ...

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Winning WAMMCO Lambs "On Time, Every Time"

Two of WAMMCO’s biggest and most consistent suppliers of prime lamb, Peter and Stephen Schmedje of Gibson have won the Cooperative’s Producer of the Month title for May. Over 14 years, the Schmedje brothers have perfected an annual program ...

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Beaumont "No Lambers" Were WAMMCO Winners

A mob of  263 first, second and third cross Merino/White Suffolk ewe lambs that failed to conceive to Dorper rams in December/January, delivered WAMMCO’s April Producer of the Month title to Beaumont composite lamb breeders Paul and&...

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SAMM / Lucerne Mix A Winner For Quintarra

A successful pasture mix including lucerne and improved ryegrasses, together with SAMM genetics via Lambplan, are helping  Mick and Todd Quinlivan of Quintarra Farms Esperance to achieve almost year-round production  of prime, heavy lambs for the Cooperative. Quintarra ...

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A Long Way From Tipperary

Nearly 900 prime Poll Dorset/Merino cross prime lambs left the tight season at Walkaway near Geraldton for the WAMMCO plant at Katanning on  March 12,  to win the March Producer of the Month title for Randal Levett and his ...

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Still Heavy And lean In Tight seasons

Using the SAMM breed to produce heavier leaner lambs for the US market is helping Ross Taylor of Lake Grace to boost the sheep returns from his “Tiarra” sheep/cropping enterprise. Ross and daughter Kelly-Anne Gooch, won the WAMMCO Producer ...

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Coolalees Lift January Winners

Prominent Newdegate farmers Julie and Rob Newman have stamped their second season of prime lamb production by winning WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for January 2007. Taking guidance from local lamb specialist Ian Quartermaine, the couple introduced Coolalee rams ...

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Borden Lambs Take December Title image

Borden Lambs Take December Title

WAMMCO’s December 2006 Producers of the Month, Byron and Liz Bungey of Borden were total cropping farmers until six years ago. The brighter future for prime lamb at that time tempted them to attend Rod, Simon and Bruce Cullam&...

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Wammco Is Australia’s 2005 Regional Exporter

Western Australia’s farmer-owned co-operative WAMMCO has climaxed two consecutive State Export Awards, by winning the 2005 Australian Regional Exporter of the Year title at a function in Sydney last week. Chairman Dawson Bradford accepted the award on behalf of all ...

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Bruce is November Producer Of The Month image

Bruce is November Producer Of The Month

WAMMCO director Bruce Wright of Mt.Barker capped off a big lamb delivery season when he won the cooperative’s Producer of the Month title for November. Bruce (right) pictured here with WAMMCO buyer Wayne Radford, won the award ...

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Ongerup Lambs Take WAMMCO Title

A SAMM ram “escapee” that produced 430 lambs, also produced October’s WAMMCO Producer of the Month title for David and Robert Hooper of ‘Blythswood’ Ongerup. “We let him go free when he kept jumping out of the yard, and ...

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Second WAMMCO Title To Hyden Producers

The Lynch family of Hyden who won WAMMCO’s second Producer of the Month title in October 2004, have returned to take out the award for September 2006 with a line of 251 Merino/Poll Dorset lambs averaging 25.09 kg for a contract per ...

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Biggest Draft Wins POM For Gnowangerup Farmers

Ross and Bill O’Keeffe of Stirling Park, Gnowangerup have been regular “top scorers” with their consignments of lamb to WAMMCO over the past few years, but set  new precedents for the cooperative’s Producer of the Month award ...

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Arthur Makes It A Double image

Arthur Makes It A Double

Gnowangerup producer  Arthur Parker has cemented his place in the WAMMCO record books by winning the cooperative’s July Producer of the Month title for the second consecutive year. Last year, in a  good season, he won ...

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Wammco Announces Profit And Bonus Payment

Producer owned co-operative WAMMCO International has announced a pool bonus distribution of 5% of the gross value of lambs supplied by qualifying members in the 2005/06 financial year.  It is the second year in a row that the co-operative has paid ...

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WAMMCO Plans For Difficult Season

WAMMCO International is adjusting its lamb contracting and export marketing processes to allow for a turn-off of lighter lambs resulting from difficult seasonal conditions in WA. Chief Executive Des Griffiths said the cooperative had reduced the minimum weight for its ...

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Wellstead Producer Wins June Pom Title

A switch from saleyard  selling three years ago to WAMMCO contracts organised by Elders Albany agent  Ray Norman, is paying off for Wellstead prime lamb producer, Malcolm Fenwick. A consignment of  124 East Friesian/SAMM ewe and wether ...

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Chemical Labelling Too Vague

Stronger legislation needs to be put in place to ensure sheep chemical labels provide more accurate information about their efficacy. According to WAMMCO Chief Executive Office Des Griffiths, it should be made mandatory for chemical companies to provide export Slaughter ...

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Change To Prime Lamb Pays Off

A decision to ‘get serious’ about prime lamb production four years ago has paid off for Garry Bungey of Borden in the form of the WAMMCO Producer of the Month award for April. “Sheep need to be an integral part ...

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Kondinin Lambs Win March Award

A draft of 102 SAMM cross lambs won WAMMCO’s March Producer of the Month and an extra prize from Farmworks for Stewart and Heather Garlick of “Killawarra,” Kondinin. Stewart began developing an interest in SAMMS  with his brother Warren ...

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WAMMCO Title To Pingelly Family image

WAMMCO Title To Pingelly Family

Mark and Antony Sewell of “Hadleigh,” West Pingelly recently accepted WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for January on behalf of their father Greg for a line of 308 SAMM, Border Leicester and Poll Dorset cross lambs ...

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Katanning SAMMS Win December Title

A Katanning property that  produced WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month for November, is also home to SAMM producer Chris Pollock who was named December winner of the coveted title. “There was a real onus to get some good ...

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Winning Lambs With A French Flavour

Bigger, plainer ewes of the Ramboullet sheep breed from France, have been used in a successful Poll Dorset/ Merino crossbreeding programme since 1994 by WAMMCO’s November Producer of the Month, Haydn Beeck of ‘Grand View’ Katanning. Haydn won WAMMCO’s ...

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Lakeside Wins October Lamb Award

A bumper season, top prices for his Lakeside Poll Dorset flock rams and WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month award for October, were all 2005 bonuses for Brookton producers Wally and Glennis Mills. The Mills took out WAMMCO’s October award ...

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Coolalee Cross Lambs Take September Award

Well known Newdegate lamb producer Ian Quartermaine has won  WAMMCO’s September Producer of the Month title with an exceptional line of  114 Coolalee, Merino cross lamb carcases averaging 25.86 kg. Seventy nine percent of the consignment scored the premium&...

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New export Awards for WAMMCO image

New export Awards for WAMMCO

The WA Meat Marketing Cooperative has been named WA’s Agribusiness of the Year for the second successive year, and has also won the title of WA’s 2005 Regional Exporter for the first time. WAMMCO Chairman Dawson Bradford ...

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Chairmans Corner -September 2005

I recently had the pleasure of announcing our first ever bonus pool distribution to qualifying members.  Payments totaling $825,000 will be made to a total of 531 members.  Included in this are 421 members who supplied 192,500 lambs on our weekly over ...

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Record Year for WAMMCO

Producer owned  Western Australian Meat Marketing Co-operative Ltd has announced a record profit of $5.4 million for year ended 30 June 2005, after providing a first ever bonus pool distribution to qualifying producers of $825,000. Earnings before interest, pool bonus, tax, depreciation and ...

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Gnowangerup Producer Wins WAMMCO Title

Gnowangerup farmer Arthur Parker, who was one of the producers to help WAMMCO pioneer the thriving US market for heavy prime lamb, has won the Co-operative’s July Producer of the Month title. His winning line of 280 Suffolk/Merino cross ...

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WAMMCO Rebates Come On Stream

The Western Australian Meat Marketing Cooperative will pay qualifying  producer members  a first-ever rebate of five percent of the gross value of non-contract lambs delivered to its Katanning processing plant in the 2004/05 year. WAMMCO chairman Dawson Bradford said ...

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Mingenew Couple Win WAMMCO's June Award

Mingenew Poll Dorset breeders Peter and Belinda Horwood are the first producers north of Perth to win the coveted WAMMCO Member of the Month award for June. The Horwoods, of Horwood Lockier River Farm,  top scored with a June 7 ...

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Sheltered Lambs Win May Award

Another line of SAMM/Merino cross lambs has taken out WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month award, this time for well known Borden producers Graham and Shirley Moir of Glenelg Estate WA Pty. Ltd. Graham was a foundation member of ...

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WAMMCO looks ahead

Processing partnerships, greenfields or other opportunities for expansion will be under consideration by WAMMCO as the cooperative moves to meet the future demands of its producer members and the increasing appetite for prime WA lamb of its overseas customers. WAMMCO ...

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"Lamb Going Gangbusters"

WAMMCO Chairman Dawson Bradford welcomed comments in Perth last week by Geoff Gray, Australia’s senior trade envoy in the United States, that “lamb is going gangbusters in America and the market there just can’t get enough of it.” ...

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Pingaring Family Wins April Title

Peter and Craig with lambs in the feedlot at Pingaring A decision four years ago to mate one third of their Nepowie-based Merino ewe flock to SAMM rams, is paying handsome dividends for WAMMCO’s April 2005 Member of the Month, ...

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Esperance SAMM

Todd and Mick Quinlivan of Quintarra Farms Esperance have won the WAMMCO Member of the Month award for March. The consignment of 123 first and second cross, July drop, SAMM lambs were slaughtered at WAMMCO Katanning on March 9, with 65 percent achieving ...

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Beverley Partners Take February Award

Weight and grade promoter Eric Heal and his sharefarmer partner Ray Lines were the clear winners of WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month award for February with a contract line of 200 Poll Dorset cross lambs averaging an impressive, 24.97 kg fat ...

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Contest Win A Team Effort

A team effort between Woodanilling farmers, Richard and Karen Bessell-Browne, cousin Richard House of ‘Barloo’, farm adviser/Suffolk breeder Bob and Roxaine O’Toole and local Elders man Clark Skinner resulted in the winning entry in the 2004 WAMMCO/Katanning Agricultural ...

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New Targets For Coordinator

Rob Davidson goes from part-time to full time Supply Alliance coordinator for WAMMCO next month and is already setting new targets - especially for the $7,000 Statewide lamb competition. He is due to meet with the Katanning Agricultural Society and stock ...

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Early Pressure On Bookings

WAMMCO chairman Dawson Bradford has urged producers to make early booking arrangements for their lambs again this year as the Co-operative’s processing capacity remains under pressure. “The Katanning plant is already booked through to mid-May and producers should make ...

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Viascan Goes Live

WAMMCO crossbred lamb suppliers this week started receiving their feedback sheets incorporating Viascan information.  The video imaging technology (Viascan®) system estimates the lean meat yield for each scanned carcase. A higher percentage indicates more recoverable meat. The scattergram ...

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Borden Lambs Take January Title

A thin stand of Serradella and a finish on lupin stubbles left after one of the worst seasonal cut-offs for years, were all that carried a consignment of 216 lambs from Borden producers Dave and Sarah Bungey through to win WAMMCO’...

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Carcase Competition Awards Day

WAMMCO members are invited to attend the presentation day of the 2004 State Carcase Competition. Date: Friday 18th February Time: 2pm Venue: Katanning Country Club RSVP: Rob Davidson (0429 380 195) Mr Sam Sprunger, Marketing Manager, GVFI Switzerland, will discuss how WAMMCO lamb is ...

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Lamb Award to Greyhome

A committed return to prime lamb production is paying a range of dividends for WAMMCO’s December Producer of the Month winners Ian Reynolds and his son-in-law Chris Syme of Greyhome Farming Co., Cunderdin. Greyhome won the December title with ...

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Chairman's Corner image

Chairman's Corner

I recently had the privilege of attending the Australian Exporter of the Year Awards held in Broadbeach, Queensland.  WAMMCO had been nominated as a finalist in the Agribusiness section of the awards having previously won the Western Australian section ...

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Kojonup Winner for November Award

Poll Dorset/Merino lamb producer George Pearce of “Merrivale” Kojonup, has won WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month award for November with a line of 167 lambs that averaged $91.98 per head. George turns off  up to 850 prime lambs a year, ...

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October "Producer of the Month"

Hyden producers Tom, Donna and Gerard Lynch took the $100 "WAMMCO Producer of the Month" award for October, with a line of 185 Merino/Poll Dorset cross lambs with an average weight of 23.7 kg. The lambs were processed at Katanning on October 15, ...

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Katanning Farewell

A pioneering couple responsible for assisting many Christmas Island families to take up new lives in Katanning, was recently farewelled by WAMMCO staff. Butler Bin Ezen and his wife, Rokiah Ali came to Katanning in 1975, when Butler was the second ...

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Live Sheep Myths

WAMMCO Chief Executive Des Griffiths has warned producers the processing industry would be unable to handle the current numbers shipped live if the live sheep export trade was shut down. He was responding to a question from former WAMMCO director ...

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WAMMCO AGM confirms $1.8M profit figure

At last weeks WAMMCO Annual General Meeting, Chairman Dawson Bradford confirmed a $1.8 million profit for the Cooperative, and pledged further plant upgrades and increasing market promotion, particularly in the US to ensure stability as WA lamb production increased. He pointed ...

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WAMMCO takes out WA Agribusiness Export Award

WA Lamb processing co-operative WAMMCO International has taken out the Agribusiness Export Award at the 2004 Western Australian Industry and Exporter of the Year Award. WAMMCO Chairman Dawson Bradford accepted the award at a gala ceremony at the Perth Convention Centre ...

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Inaugural WAMMCO Producer of the Month Award

Chris Squiers of  Shirlee Downs Poll Dorset Stud Quairading, capped a prizewinning seven days last week when he was named WAMMCO’s inaugural producer of the month for September.  The stud also won a number of championship ribbons ...

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Annual General Meeting to be held on October 27

The Annual General Meeting of the Western Australian Meat Marketing Co-operative Ltd will be held at the Katanning Country Club on Wednesday, October 27, 2004. Prior to the meeting at 2PM Murdoch University researcher Dr. David Pethick will be giving a presentation ...

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2004 WAMMCO State Prime Lamb Carcase Competition

WAMMCO and the Katanning Agricultural Society encourage all prime lamb producers to enter this year’s $7,000 state lamb competition. The competition organisers want to build on the success of last year’s competition where, 9735 carcases were evaluated making it the ...

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WAMMCO Nominated for WA Export Awards

Following recent success in the US market, WAMMCO has been nominated as a finalist in the Western Australian Export Awards. After a strong year of sales, the US now ranks as WAMMCO's largest single market for premium lamb products. Nominated ...

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Financial announcement year 2003/04

PRODUCER CO-OPERATIVE ANNOUNCES PROFIT WA producer owned meat processing co-operative WAMMCO International has announced an audited profit of $1.77 million for the year ended 30 June 2004 compared to a breakeven result in the previous year. The co-operative, which was formed when ...

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Trading Rebates

Trading rebates are the traditional method co-operatives use to distribute any profits to members. Rebates are based on patronage and can be in the form of cash, shares or a combination of both.  Trading rebates are treated as income ...

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Kill Space Availability

During May this year we experienced difficulty meeting the requirements of members for processing space.  We normally experience the same problem during the spring sucker lamb season and we believe this year will be no different. As a producer ...

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Heavy Weight Crossbred Lamb Contracts 2004-2005

Heavy weight crossbred lamb contracts effective 1 September 2004 have just been released.  For more details click here The file above is in Portable Document Format (PDF). You will need Adobe Acrobat ReaderTM to view it. If you do not have ...

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Revised Sheep and Lambs NVD Waybill

The Australian meat and livestock industry has agreed to release a revised national Vendor Declaration (NVD) for sheep and  lambs (as well as cattle) on 1st March 2004. Full details are available on-line by clicking here. Key points of the ...

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